OPTICS TRADE, Spol. s r.o.
Address: Suvorovova 909/114, Novy Jicin, Czech Republic
Contact: www.opticstrade.cz
Founding: 1994
Number of employees: 49
Our company was found 25 years ago and is focused on optical devices in military applications, especcialy for armoured vehicles. Company repaired and still repairing optical devices of armoured vehicles produced by countries of former Warsaw pact, this stems from composition of armament of the armies in middle Europe region. In addition this days, we are offering our own portfolio of modern optical devices, assembling for foreign producers and maintenance service.
We are an important partner of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and companies engaged in trade of military material in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. We have, among other things. Permits for foreign trade in military material and certification, according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 a ČOS 051672 (AQAP 2110).
We are a small and flexible company with well skilled staff with many years of experience and relevant technologies. We approach each project with a personal approach and maximum commitment to achieve customer requirements.
Ing. Tomáš Hradecký, CEO
+420 724 581 666