Meopta – optika, s.r.o.

Address: Kabelikova 1, 750 02, Prerov, Czech Republic
Founding: 1933
Number of employees: 1800
The history of Meopta reaches back to 1933 when it was created as Optikotechna. At first, the company produced just optical components, then enlargers, cameras and slide projectors. Throughout its long existence, it became a specialist on optical products of the highest quality for industrial, military and consumer markets. As a manufacturing company with global reach, it operates in two technologically advanced centers – in the Czech Republic as well as in the USA. Meopta has experience in the field of R&D, construction, pre-competitive and production phase, accurate measurement, and expert examination, which are manifested in the whole specter of branches, from the exact medical and scientific devices to digital film projection, space exploration, consumer sports optics and military weapon systems.